Thursday, August 21, 2008

"..she reminds me of Lindsay.."

as you can imagine, being in an airport that's about to fly you away to a different continent isn't always the greatest place to be.
we arrived and met up with a new RA that was heading in our direction-- her name was Lizzy and as mom had said earlier, "Mere, she really reminds me of Lindsay."
at that point I could honestly care less. but I watched Lizzy; she was playing with Ethan, talking to Evan and I, and truly showing that she cared.
now a couple weeks later, I find myself caring a whole lot. Lizzy has been my comfort these past few weeks. I can talk to her whenever, stop by her dorm whenever, or get a hug whenever. and she's an answer to prayer. many prayers. because being new is NOT easy. but I don't feel uncomfortable with her. her testimony is encouraging and her relationship with Jesus is something I really admire.
I love her. and I know that she doesn't find me annoying, or a tagalong. I'm lucky to have her so near by. and she really does remind me of Lindsay.  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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